The Real World

Some people live a life so protected.
They never see real pain or feel dejected.
They never see the real world.
And live in a bubble swirled.

But the real world exists.
It's got lots of dead ends and twists.
Things aren't that straightforward.
The ones trapped there are always cornered.

It's so easy to talk about rights and liberties.
When you haven't faced all those atrocities.
'This is the way things must be.'
So easy to say when you're almost carefree.

The real world lies in Satan's underbelly.
Easy to tread if you have no shame or modesty.
The things you must do to get ahead.
Or just to earn some meagre bread.

Whatever happened to righteousness?
All evaporated in vain callousness.
The more I open my eyes.
A little more I despise.

There are some things that can be compromised.
And to some, I will never be able to be immunized.
Seems like in these modern times,
you must perform such horrendous crimes.

What if you're a person of integrity?
And are unable to let go of your dignity.
And the ones who promise to take you to great heights,
encourage you to be Eve and from that fruit to take a bite.

Some people accept the fruit. 
Gain knowledge of evil and good.
And soar to great heights.
It's only difficult, that first bite.

On the one hand you have the promise of success in heaps.
But you have to desensitize yourself and slide down so steep.
What is your price?
Are you willing to compromise?

Maybe you're in a position of need.
It's not even out of habit or greed.
So far you've not succumbed.
But those remain to be your only platforms.

That is what happens in a recession.
People see clearly in an economic depression.
The real world ascends.
And your life, on it depends.

But if all this was seemingly okay.
You wouldn't walk away.
How is it any different?
Just another bite from the same serpent.

So up until you can stand by your principles,
You live in anticipation of a miracle.
You learn to bite the dust.
And eat off the floor, measly crusts.

Bills must be paid.
What are you willing to trade?
Many are in such a situation.
Covid brought upon such frustration.

But, it's nice to see clearly.
Although it's painfully chilly.
Shielded with blinders no more.
All these abominations lie openly on the floor.

In every strata, the oldest trades remain.
Refuse to pay for earned bread or grain.
But from vices they won't abstain.
Would you trade it all for power and fame?

Some accept interwoven trades.
Lots of money in it can be made.
But, stripped of your innocence.
To become manipulatively maleficent.

Do you finally succumb and join them?
Spit out the good as useless phlegm?
So far what did it fetch you?
Or wait till the end and stay true?

What are you willing to trade?
A decision must be immediately made.
And then suffer the consequences.
Of mounting bills and expenses.

But I'm not one of them.
I'd rather drown in the well.
I cannot trade or sell.
Some things I automatically repel.

© Copyright Protected. All Rights Reserved


  1. Yah. Indeed. Malachi being a prophet heard what the people were muttering in their hearts….”what profit is it to serve the LORD?” The wicked are blessed and the righteous are cursed? Ah but God would test us

    Liked by 3 people

  2. The poem has laid bare the harsh realities of current times. It is very vocal, powerful and touching especially the recurring rhetorical questions in the last few stanzas. The imagery of Eve and apple is apt and touching. Liked the poem. Read it over and over. The aa,bb rhyme scheme is adding to the overall punch. It is not difficult to understand that the feelings have come out of the righteous indignation of the poet.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Saji, you always interpret my poetry so gracefully. Once again, beautifully said. I appreciate you reading these bits with such careful consideration and I am in awe of your ability to draw out much of the natural intended essence encrypted in these letters. 🙂 🙂 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Most Horrid ‘Crimes of Prostitution’

    Are Colored By Far More Than

    Giving Away Flesh and Blood

    For Pay

    Soul Deep

    Where Shadow

    Demons And Loving

    Angels Dance Sing or

    Fall On Needles



    to Dance
    And Sing Again

    A BreaKinG Point
    Is Not Understanding

    That ‘Angels and Devils’
    Only Live Within Human Beings

    And all the CuLTuRaL Tools/Clothes

    ‘These Humans’ Continue to Create

    All the Rest of Nature Naked On this Planet
    Innocent Without A Curse or Gift to Create of Clothes/Tools Either…

    i Watch Catholic Bishops Blame Pedophile Priest Crimes on Mythic

    Devils i Watch Them Try to Fit a Mythic Dead Man in a Piece of Bread Still

    Even Though 70 Percent of the Congregation Sees through the Myth Now As

    Assessed by ‘Pew Polls’… i Watch them Drink The Wine of Fear and Hate

    Mostly Clothed Ignorance

    Against the ones

    Who Sing

    The Most


    Holy Sacred Spirit Songs

    From Heads of Choirs With Real

    Wings While the Rest of the Congregation

    Drifts Away From Pews in all Ignorance That comes from

    A Worst Pandemic oF All Ignorance So YeS Understand Do

    Where Devils and Angels Truly Stand or Dance and Sing Now

    And At least A Human World Will Get Off On A Start that is more Truth than Lie…

    to Be Clear A Poem Mused This And Not You Dear Rue It Has Nothing to Do With You…

    i Assume You Always Understand the Same Disclaimers You Provide Just to Be Clear



    Obviously We Will Not

    See Eye to eye You’ve

    Explored the World i’ve

    Only Explored Hell And Heaven Within…

    Bali Looks Beautiful ‘That Time of Year’ Dear FRiEnD..:)


    1. 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂
      These times are definitely bad and a lot of people find themselves in helpless frustrating situations. I hope and pray all humans receive grace to cope and receive blessings from the Almighty while some others change their ways and stop cornering helpless beings into disgraceful offerings.

      Liked by 1 person

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