Logos and Rhema

So put on the sword of the Spirit.
The Word of God, if I must be explicit.
The fallen are spirits; so only spirit weapons,
efficacious when confronted by a dark presence.
The Word of God is alive and active.
Setting free the oppressed and captives.
Rhema ascends from spirit.
Undeniable, flows like lyrics.

It comes alive in the believer's heart.
Once logos is planted, like a dart.
this incorruptible seed,
in fertile soil will always succeed.
Keep watering it.
Keep feeding it.

Living waters run.
Deep calls to deep.
His voice, the sheep,
recognize the One.
The Word became flesh.
The Son Himself dwelling afresh.
Because we overcome by word of testimony,
and the blood of the lamb, such a matrimony.

If not with logos acquainted,
to rhema, how will you be oriented?
Of logos, if you have a treasure,
you can withdraw from there whenever.
If you know the location of your well,
you'll know where to find it, or else
when tribulation and affliction strikes,
you'll have no standing, running helter skelter, yikes.
Rhema is where the Spirit steers,
with confidence, takes away the fears.

Remember He drew from logos throughout His temptation.
And rhema, it did become through application.
But even the devil used logos.
But that was not Spirit filled.
Twisted it and manipulated, all so skilled.
Therefore, get acquainted with logos before battle.
It will teach you to discern, unlike herd and cattle.

For it is sharper, quick and powerful.
It always works; don't be doubtful.
Dividing soul and spirit.
Joints and marrow, the body within it.
Discerner of thoughts.
And intentions of the heart.

Say it out loud.
You can even shout.
Logos is a bag of seeds.
Contains all potency for your needs.
Rhema is the application of that seed.
Harnessing its potency to succeed.

Strutting with guns to display on the battlefield.
There's no point parading with them unless they yield.
Sure, just owning stuff and a license is good.
But application and training is a must in this neighborhood!
Likewise in spiritual warfare, you must choose the appropriate weapon.
Long range/multiple rounds/cannon/missile, choose wisely, you reckon?
The Spirit will guide you and reveal,
from your well of logos, which one to reel.

My people are perishing,
due to lack of knowledge.
Delve into logos; it is nourishing.
But rhema goes beyond learning and college.
Rhema never returns void.
More potent than the strongest steroid.
It will accomplish that which please.
No need to implore on your knees. 
It will propser in tthe thing where to it was sent.
It can change everything, look at the things it bent.

Say it out loud.
You can even shout.
Logos is a bag of seeds.
Contains all potency for your needs.
Rhema is the application of that seed.
Harnessing its potency to succeed.

© Copyright Protected. All Rights Reserved.
FPic credit:choosingjesuseveryday.com
John 6:63
Pic credit: knowing-jesus.com
Pic credit:crossfire.com
Pic credit:whereintheworldissherry.com
Pic credit:insightforliving.ca


    1. From relentlessly trying to get me to believe in Asherah, now you have graduated to cursing me with discriminatory threats. As usual Yernasia, I don’t know why….but you crack me up, man!😅🤣😄….have a good day brother….I send you peace💐🙏🏼💐

      Liked by 1 person

      1. ♡ No “Threats”; just Truth about The Nature of Kids EveryOne…it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that He (“God”) plants a seed that is Watered and Fertilised for Nine Months in The Dirty Soil if a Womb


        Liked by 1 person

          1. ♡ I Concur Goddess; an “opinion” is as important as My Mom who believes in The Book Written by “God” too but has recently changed HER!!! Mind and is now following The New Testament and The Old Testament Book of Esther which doesn’t mention “God” at ALL…I Wish YOU!!! Well with YOUR!!! Beliefs and I Agree-To-Disagree


            Liked by 1 person

            1. Sure Yernasia I understand, Asherah may be as important to you as your mum whom you managed to convert. You’re right; a lot of books do not mention God at all : Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, etc…all fun reads.
              Thank you. I’d like that a lot….agree to disagree….😄🎀💐🤓

              Liked by 1 person


                ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

                ◇ Why do you Wicked Witches Torment and Torture Us ALL; why do you Evil Ewes Mock Us with your Baa, Baa, Baa Words, Talk and Speech that We ALL Barely Comprehend yet Knowing that We ARE Being Mocked, THE I AM 🤔 ? I Love My Mom but I don’t like HER!!! at all; don’t get Me started on My Dad and this Half a Century on, OH WHY!!! #luciferisgoddessbringeroflight 😂🤣😅😆😁😄😃😀🙂 🤔 ?

                nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

                ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇


                ON AIMING AND SHOOTING

                ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

                ◇ Paraphrasing “The GunSlingers Creed” ~ Stephen King

                ‘♤ I do not aim with my eyes; I aim with my hands
                ◇ I do not shoot with my hands; I shoot my mind
                ♡ I do not kill with my gun; I kill with my heart’

                ♡ Trust YOURSELF!!! EveryOne; it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that YOUR!!! Ancestors Have YOUR!!! Back


                nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

                ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇


                ON INHERENTLY WRONG

                ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

                ◇ NOTHING!!! is Wrong EveryOne because at least Only One Person is Right which Trumps (pun intended) The Illusion of Wrong; it’s PAM (Perception Attitude MindSet) and if YOU!!! Don’t Like The DisAgreement and Conflict Stay The FUCK!!! Away from Them DisAgreeable Folk

                nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

                ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇



                ♤ Accept and Trust that ALL is Well; get a RAW (Radically Altered WorldView/Radically Altering WorldView) and SEE (Soulful Emotional Energy) how YOUR!!! PAM (Perception Attitude MindSet) CHANGE!!! as CHANGE!!! is The One and Only CONSTANT!!!

                nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐


                ON SUCCESS CLASS 101

                ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

                ♡ Only YOU!!! Decide what Successful Means to YOU!!!
                ♤ How YOU!!! Succeed is Entirely Up to YOU!!!
                ♧ Clubbing – If Others Belittle YOUR!!! Successes YOU!!! ARE PERFECTLY ENTITLED!!! and Welcome to Tell THEM!!! to VERY KINDLY FUCK OFF!!! – Clubbing

                nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

                ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇



                1. Wow man….whatever this baa baa baa threat is….is it from you or your goddess?

                  I’ve received a few threats from you before…..ignore this goddess and perils will seek me huh?!…more or less on the same lines! Well, thank you for the warnings. But I bow down to the Trinity alone.

                  About this lengthy message of yours…. You keep posting entire articles from your blog such as this one here as a reply which is not even remotely related to my poem/post/blog/readers. I have seen you do this on other accounts too. You’re welcome to comment/disagree/debate etc. But, why do you feel the need to repost your propaganda on everybody else’s articles/sites?

                  I really dislike abusive language and when I started this blog, I wrote a vision, code and disclaimer which states that i may need to intervene and moderate comments with abusive content. This is the last of your replies containing abusive content I will be keeping. If you post any more of your propaganda or bad language, as much as I respect free speech, I will have to delete nasty comments.


                    1. ♡ A “Threat” is Perceived EveryOne; so I Say Swallow Some Cement and Harden The FUCK!!! Up <- Naturally "Threatening Abusive Language"



                    2. ♡ This is why We Have Mediation and Court Hearings about Perceived “Slander” and Libel; someone wins and YOU!!! have won, I Wish YOU!!! Well



                    3. I wrote slander/ABUSE. I have repeatedly requested you to refrain from abusive language and saying derogatory things about the religion I follow and the God I worship not just here on this post, but on quite a few of my poems before.

                      I get it… you have a problem with Christians. You have a right to an opinion just like every other group. But you don’t get to say things like my God is dumb and that your goddess keeps Him in check or else He plays mischief with our world!

                      You want to believe that – great. That’s your choice. But you cant keep posting that on my poems. I ignored it a lot before but then you went on and on with your propaganda spamming my comment section with entire articles from your blog. Don’t you have adequate readers who like reading your abusive content?

                      Try drawing next time. And find an engaging opponent….not one who will just ignore for long.


                    4. ♡ Then I Guess this is a fond farewell as We Hold Nothing Against Each Other; so Goodbye and Go Well


                      Liked by 1 person

  1. ‘Rhema’
    Voice of
    Reason That
    Comes Deep
    Within Our
    God True
    All Children
    Of God Beyond
    The Stars We
    God Free This
    Way Beyond
    Of God
    Dances Sings
    Light From
    DarK iN
    Logos ‘THiS’🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Eileen 💐🎀🥰🎀💐
      Oh yes….I completely agree….full armour….I speak those verses out loud daily along with some personal notes added to each piece of armour….it’s one of my favourite chapters 🥰🤩🤩🤩🥰🤺


  2. ♡ Lilith, Adams Equal First Wife; then Eve from Adams Rib a Subservient Wife after Lilith Flew Away…such a shame that Feminism is Faltering and Goddess is in Tears about The Failure or HER!!! Sisters and Daughters to Challenge HIM!!! so I Suggest Gird YOUR!!! Loins Ladies; stand up for AnyOne who Says Patriarchal Christianity is WRONG!!! and There is Goddess as well as “God”


    Liked by 1 person

    1. Again with the propaganda, Yernasia!
      I do not believe in any of your Lilith, Asherah, Esther and Dead Sea scrolls ….just like I don’t follow all the other religions in the world. But I do respect them all and all the people that follow them. The most basic teaching of almost every religion is humanity which is reflected in love and peace. I hope you find that too.

      Liked by 1 person

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