May your light shine before all

For the world, you are a light.
      Be my representative; do not fight. 
Your brightness cannot be hidden.
      Do not succumb to the lure of the forbidden.
In 4:16, the light dawned.
      Lit you with a flame so golden blonde.
Not to dazzle yourself under a bowl.
      And live in enlightened bliss till you're old.
But I'll raise you up for all to see. 
      Your actions in darkness, more conspicuously.
That they may see the good that you do.
      A reflection of the nature of God peeking through. 
Then they will give glory to God.
      Because He made a lamp out of a thing so flawed.
Like I lit and annointed you,
      Share this flame with others too.
Come, I invite. Be my light.
      I'm not denying; I'll place you in the enemy's sight,
on the battlefield, in complete darkness. 
      A target so visible, shining with brightness.
Be a beacon to the lost.
      Bring them back, whatever the cost.
Come be my light,
      and fight the good fight!

(Inspired by Matthew 5:16) 
© Copyright Protected. All Rights Reserved.

It is my desire to study the four gospels. Writing poems helps me put some thought into it thereby making it fun to learn and remember. I was stuck on the book of Matthew for years and never really completed more than the first five chapters until I began writing ‘the Matthew Series‘. Now, I’m revising the contents of the book of Mathew by writing another series of poems titled ‘Inspired by Matthew‘. This one will not be as comprehensive as ‘the Matthew Series’ and may not be in an orderly sequence. This particular poem is the 11th in the series. I recommend reading the actual Bible because it’s a whole lot better than my poems. I’d be overjoyed if anyone out there would like to be part of this experience and go through the book of Matthew with me. I hope you enjoy reading each piece as much as I did writing them. (First image



    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

    ◇ One of The Aspects of Evolving from Asleep, Oblivious and Lackadaisical to Awake, Aware and Alert is 6+ Senses and Harmony of Heart and Head; the HOW!!! is Entirely Up to YOU!!!

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇



    ♤ We THINK!!! on Many Levels; such as SurfaceConscious and SubConscious; have YOU!!! ever asked YOURSELF!!! why YOU!!! Rage, Grieve, Worry Getting Concerned for No Other Particular Reason other than Blaming and Finding Fault with Others 🤔 ?

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐



    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

    ◇ Like Computers We ARE Biological Androids with Volatile, Non-Volatile and Archived Memory; every now and then We CRASH!!! which is Not a Problem as long as We Have Durable BackUps

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇



    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

    ◇ Regressing is a Perfectly Natural Aspect of Evolving; sure, Evolution is painful, so Pass through the Pain by looking at your physical scars, healing psychological scars and wearing the Pain of Re-Birth, Evolution at its BEST!!!

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇



    ♧ Clubbing – Childhood Tantrums in a KiDult; ’nuff said – Clubbing

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐



    ♡ We ARE Told, Conditioned By Our UpBringing, to Believe that, Essentially, Evolving is Survival of The Most Powerful, Evil, Financially Fittest and especially Our Physical Fitness; this According to Many Paid Financial, Legal, Physiological and Physical ‘Experts’ Such as Our Medical and Anthropological ‘Professionals’ plus Lawyers and Consultants et al…yet The Runt of The Litter, The Dumb Kid or The Fatty, Fatty, Fat Fat Kid, The Black Sheep who No Longer Misses Family or Friends et al, totally The Opposite of How They Were Raised, often OutLive Their Ripped ‘Strong’ Siblings and Other Family via Their Own Energetic Growth and Development; a Small/Big Energy Expert utilising Small/Big Person Smarts instead of Asserting and FORCING!!! ‘Healthy Physical, Psychological, Physiological Superiority’…a so called ‘Healthy Superiority’ that often Ends in Suicide whether Deliberate or Involuntary such as Succumbing to MMHI (Multiple Mental Health Issues) or Taking on an awe inspiring, Energetically Smart, Small Person (Martial Arts 🤔 ?) and then Clinically Assassinated by said Small Person whether Psychologically, Physically or Issuing a Death Wish and Getting Murdered or Man-S/laughter-ed 🧐🤓🤪 😂🤣😅😆😁😄😃😀🙂 …more seriously Our Birth, Physical Maturtion, Energetic Growth and Development are Very Painful so I Suggest Endure the 5% of Linear Time of Re-Birth and Other 5% Moments; all the while Be Happy with the 95% Peace and Quiet and ENJOY!!! so YOU!!! ARE Able to Deal with The Five Percenter Moments that Get YOU!!! PISSED OFF!!! to The Max and BLAMING!!! Others, Finding Fault…so, now, I No Longer Have Anything in Common with Most of The People I KNOW!!! in 3D; ergo, I Await My Ancient, Soulful Family and Many Remembered and New Friends as I Continue to Support this 3DEnvironment in My ReDiscovered 5DState

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐



    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

    ◇ A Jock Bullies a Nerd; then The Nerd OutSmarts The Jock and The Jock Begs to Be Friends and is Guided by The Nerd; in Summary, this is how Mafia Families Do Their THING!!! by Getting People on Their Side, Violent and Family Oriented…it’s Public Knowledge that I Don’t Like Being Around People Very Much; here’s why…it’s Crystal Clear Clarity that People ARE Fake, False and Fraudulent; crying FOUL!!! when Caught Out…a Non-Negotiable, Compulsory, Essential Precursor to Evolving is to Admit, Acknowledge and Address Our Many MMHI (Multiple Mental Health Issues); unfortunately We Have STIGMAS!!! that Prevent Our Effective Dealing of MMHI and Love is Lost to Money, Materialism and Relationships plus Other Perceived Entitlements…a HomeLess Person is as OCD (Occupational DisOrder) as YOU!!! Elite and Our World Leaders; a ‘Sordid’ Situation is what We Make It (Success or Failure), My Own Sovereign Space is What I MAKE IT!!! so, when an Alien asks “Take Me To Your Leader 🤔 ?” Where would YOU!!! Take Them 🤔 ?

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇



    ♤ NEVER!!! Ever Quit On Family; just Give Them Time because They WILL!!! Catch Up after Exhausting Their Resentment and Rage

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐



    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇

    ◇ Admitting, Acknowledging and Addressing MMHI (Multiple Mental Health Issues; managing RAGE!!! GRIEF!!! ANXIETY!!! DEPRESSION!!! and Returning to The Purity of Our Childlike State with ALL The Benefits of Bring ‘Grown Up’ 😇🤩🤑🥰

    nisi mortuus nec neque nolite vicit 🤭🤫🤐

    ◇ – Diamond Hard – ◇


    Liked by 1 person

  2. We Come From Light We aRe Naturally NoW
    Light True We Come From Stars Resurrecting
    From Super Nova Crucible Fire Explosions too
    in Gaseous Star Dust
    Way Now True
    But Oh How
    Some Love
    To Cover
    From Nature’s
    Free Light Love
    Yes God in Us SMiLes
    i no Longer Cover my Smile
    Let it Rain Let it Rain Man i Will Do
    For Rain is What Brings Sunshine Within too..:)

    Liked by 1 person

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